Certified Holistic Life Coach

Certified Holistic Life Coach


A Holistic Life Coach provides a method of coaching that helps you to improve, develop and allows you to learn new skills to find personal success, achieve new goals and to manage your life changing and personal challenges.

As a CHL Coach, I help you to identify the areas that need work or can use some improvement and give you the tools to build new skills that allow you to become stronger and more independent, allowing you to grow and become your best self!

This method of coaching develops rather than imposes. It reflects rather than directs. During your session I will help you to take conscious control to empower yourself and to learn to design your life in a more joyful and purposeful way!

Holistic life coaching allows you to connect  with the nature of reality, where anything is possible and positive things are happening all around us. In times of despair we narrow our view point and the world around you might seem negative and very closed off to new possibilities. This method of transformational coaching requires you to remain open and flexible in the learning process so we can move past your comfort zone.

Holistic Life Coaching can offer you a different perspective to your life and tends to be very healing while giving you a clear vision and new energy to start living your new life!