Channelling session


Channeling is a form of communication that allows you to receive information from higher sources, be it spirit guides, crossed over loved ones or ascended masters. When channeling, you open up and in a way, set your own energy aside and allow the energy of the communicator to "take" over, making you a conduit.  The messages come automatically, without having to think or interpret them. The information and answers are automatically and to the point. This type of communication can be very helpful and healing for the receiver.

There are different types of channeling, the most known is:

Trans channeling: the channeler gets into a deep meditation and "leaves", allowing the  communication  to take place directly with the energy communicating.

Physical channeling: The channeler is aware of what is happening around them, yet at the same time, connects to the energy of  higher sources, in a way, be aware of both realms at the same time, and is able to channel the information and energy  coming through.

During my sessions I  use the Physical channeling method and connect to higher sources to get the information needed for you.  Channeling allows you to perceive your life from your Soul's perspective. Just like Tarod cards will give you information needed in that moment, a channeled session is much the same. The message received will be for your highest good, which allows you to make informed choices to chose your next steps to take in order for you to life your life to the fullest!