
As a Medium, I am able to cross the barriers between the spirit world and our earth plane. A medium is able to receive messages from Spirit, crossed over loved ones, Angels and at times Beings from different realms. I have experienced all of the above.

Mediumship can be defined as the ability by a person to be used as a conduit by spirits and other beings who are no longer in physical form, for the purpose of giving messages, loving guidance, soul coaching and/or provide closure or healing for the person receiving the information.

Mediumship involves the cooperation between at least two individuals:

• An Earth-plane channel or medium

• A spirit communicator.

Mediums receive their information mostly telepathically; however the information can also come in the form of:

• Clairvoyance: The ability to see spirits, auras, objects and places not perceivable to others.

• Clairaudience: The ability to hear messages, either physically, with their mind or psychically.

• Clairsentience: The ability to feel the wisdom and knowledge shared by the spirit.

• Claircognizance: The ability to purely know the information shared by Spirit, a higher knowing.

• Clairessence: The ability to smell information provided by Spirit or a loved one for the purpose of evidence and connection.