Sound Healing


Sound or Vibrational healing uses the power of sounds, chanting, music and/or other types of noises to stimulate the body to repair itself, to "Tune-up"  itself. Just like a car needing the occasional oil change, so does the body.  The power of this healing modality lies within sound, which is transmitted as vibrations of energy at a particular wavelength. Within the art of sound healing, everything in the universe is recognized to be in a state of vibration, and thus giving out sounds. When a person is sick, they are considered to be "out of tune." In sound healing, musical instruments including the human voice are two of the most frequently used tools to bring a sick person's body back "in tune".

The science behind sound healing is based on the theory that all forms of human illness occur when the body is not in-tune or unbalanced.  Everyone has a natural state of health for their particular body, this state is defined as a vibrational frequency that is "in tune" with its surrounding environment. 

Our bodies are made up of 60-70% water, and water is known to absorb vibrations quickly, therefore,  so does your body. In my practice, I jokingly call sound healing the Roto-rooter treatment, since it works that strong and directly, It goes right to the affected area and change within the affected area takes place immediately. 


During a sound healing session, the vibrations from music, chanting, sounds and my voice shifts a person's energy to exist in harmony with their body and their environment.

Scientific studies show that sound waves can produce changes in the autonomic, immune, and endocrine system of our bodies. In fact, our bodies are capable of absorbing sound that is outside our normal range of hearing (think elephants, most of their sound can not be heard by the human ear). Most people, growing up, are told not to express our emotions, especially if  those emotions are negative.  Because of this, we carry unexpressed emotions in our bodies, creating energy blockages within our bodies. . Over time, this creates a build up of negative energy and if not released can, in time, manifest as dis-ease in the physical body. Additionally  this unexpressed negative energy while remaining inside your body, attracts similar energy into your life. If you vibrate at a high and/or balanced frequency you will draw positive energy and healthy, happy experiences in your life, because the energy is able to travel through your body unrestricted, while if you vibrate at a low frequency you will draw in negative or unhealthy experiences in your life, since energy is not able to move freely. By understanding the "Law of Attraction", we know we attract into our lives whatever we give our attention or energy to.  Good or Bad, you are the creator of your reality, you have the power to change your own destiny by raising your vibration and  frequency. Schedule a healing session now!

Balance your Energy, Balance your Life!